Many of us have heard of the word banker. But many also do not understand clearly what is a banker. Most people only know that banks are financial institutions. While bankers are those who run the institution of the bank. Of course, this understanding is not entirely wrong. But it’s just a lack of detail in the information.
Therefore, getting more information about what is a banker and what his duties are will certainly be interesting to know. So at least there is more precise information about the understanding of bankers in general. Including knowing what are the duties and obligations of the banker. More details refer to the information provided in the following paragraphs.
About a Banker
A banker is generally known as someone who works to manage a bank. More precisely, often this does not refer to one person only, but can also refer to a group of people or teams who work just to form a bank. Thus the banker himself can be said to be a bank activist or even the owner of the bank itself.
Being a banker is not easy. Because it takes a certain experience as well as the right intuition about banking work. Therefore, not everyone can fill this position. Most occupy the position of a banker because of their appropriate educational background.
The obligation of a Banker
In general, being a banker of course also has tasks and obligations that must be carried out. This is quite important because without carrying out its duties, it could be that the bank managed cannot go in the right direction. Therefore, knowing the ins and outs of the duties of a banker is quite important. At least to ensure that the purpose of establishing a bank will be achieved through the tasks carried out by the bankers.
In general, the following obligations and duties are carried out by bankers. They usually do this not only alone but supported by several related staff in the bank’s managerial.
• The Bank is obliged to provide a report to the central bank to determine the banking and monetary position as well as economic and government activities can determine economic and monetary policy. So that the obligations of a banker include preparing for this further.
• Bankers are also obliged to announce the actual Balance Sheet and profit-loss statement every year by being published in newspapers so that the public can know. Thus this helps the public know the condition of the bank they choose, whether it is still healthy enough or not.
• Bankers have an obligation not to talk about their customers’ finances outside the interests of the service and are obliged to maintain and maintain archives or letters between the bank and its customers. Therefore, the banker needs to keep the customer’s secret as much as possible.
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• A personal banker is a professional who takes care of the personal accounts of their customers, mostly in the retail banking division and in large financial institutions. They are skilled in knowing the market very well to support their clients and have good decision-making and analytical skills.
• The Bank should also provide objective, impartial and non-binding advice to its customers. Because customers who come to the bank sometimes do not understand what type of services should be chosen. Therefore, a banker must be able to display several choices of bank products/services that are right for his customers.
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Important Ethics of a Banker
Of course, there seems to be an important ethic in carrying out the role of a banker. If not, it could be that the bank managed will not succeed as expected. Therefore, it is good to know what ethics are like in the management of banks in general. For example, as shown below.
• The attitude and behavior of bankers is an important ethical one. Because of course, a banker must have a positive attitude and behavior to be able to maintain the trust of his customers. Without a good manner, it will be difficult to keep the customer trusting the bank.
• In addition, in terms of appearance, it is also important for a banker to have a good and professional appearance. The success of a bank will be reflected in the owners and perpetrators. So that appearance indirectly becomes the best means to describe it. Then it is not surprising if the appearance of workers in the bank is generally neat and polite.
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• A banker must also be professional in directing customers. Therefore, make sure to have a variety of information about the services provided by the bank to ensure adequate information for prospective customers at the bank.
Those are all some information and explanations about what is a banker. With the explanation that has been given above, at least the layman can know what the banker means and what his duties are.
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Including all lists of obligations that must be carried out when occupying a position as a banker. So that in the future, all the goals, vision, and mission of the bank can be achieved optimally. Furthermore, it is hoped that the bank activities can also run well through an appropriate banker.