How to open a bank account in France, especially for foreign students, is very easy to understand. Not only easy to understand but also easy to do in some banks available in France. Being a student in another country may at first feel quite difficult even more so in managing finances.
But if you already know for sure about the ways and stages that must be passed to open an account then surely you can open an account more easily. By having a bank account, it is certain that your financial problems can be made easier.
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Various things you can get because of the services and facilities of the bank. To find out more about how to open a bank account in France then you can follow various steps and stages such as the following.
1. Show your identity
A foreign student living in France to continue his studies can now open a bank account in France. Actually, all kinds of steps that must be passed to be able to open a bank book are not as difficult as imagined. Because to open a bank account in France is apparently foreign students who continue their studies in France can go through the initial stages of showing their identity to the bank.
The so-called identity in this case certainly includes all information about personal data. Personal data generally includes the full name as well as all personal information ending with the signature. Personal data can be filled in a form sheet provided by the bank to students to be filled out or completed.
Charging data must certainly be done in accordance with the actual data. In addition, information about the identity provided to the bank must not contain any errors. Because self-identity errors can cause things that are not as expected in the future.
2. Have proof of residential address
It is not just information about personal or personal data that needs to be shown to the bank. But of course, there are also other things or other documents that must also be submitted to the bank to qualify in opening a bank account. One of them is proof of residential address.
Every foreign student from a country outside France has a place to live. In this case, foreign students who want to open a bank account in France should include evidence that shows the address of their residence. If you can show evidence about the address of residence, the process of opening a bank account becomes easier.
3. Get a letter of approval from the school
In addition to having proof of residential address apparently, there are also other things that must also be prepared by foreign students if they want to open a bank account. Another document that must also be prepared in this case is an endorsement letter from the school.
Students who continue their studies at the university level, students must get a letter of approval from the campus. Or you can use the student card to be attached as a document in applying to open a bank account. All documents that must be attached and become part of the conditions to open a bank account must be fulfilled. Until later the bank can receive all your documents and approve your application to open a bank account.
4. Open a bank data account
After fulfilling and completing all the necessary documents, the process of opening your bank account is complete. All documents that have been fulfilled and completed then you can immediately do the process of opening a bank account or bank account data account.
With the fulfillment of all the requirements submitted by the bank, it means that you are ready to have a new bank account that can later be used to make various transactions.
5. Enjoy bank facilities and services
As we already know together open a bank account in France basically makes it easier for you to be able to get banking services. Similarly, for foreign students who may have to continue their studies in France. If successful in opening a bank account, then it is not impossible that foreign students can enjoy all types of facilities that are part of the bank’s services to clients. There are many facilities that can be enjoyed ranging from depositing funds to making withdrawals abroad.
Opening a bank account in France is very easy. Most importantly in this case you should be able to prepare everything that becomes a requirement for you to open a bank account. If indeed all provisions have been fulfilled, then of course the process of opening an account becomes easier. Even the process of completing the creation of this bank account is getting faster.
If you have difficulty in creating a bank account, then you can try to find a type of procedure commonly called Droit au compte or account creation rights. The French Bank in this case will appoint a unit of the bank which is required to provide services to you in opening a bank account. Through this service later you will get more instructions and information on how to open a bank account in France along with all the completeness of the terms.